Behind the Music in Tennessee River Shakedown: Change will Come and Still So Far To Go

Change will come and Still to far to Go were the middle songs of the second six.

Change will Come was written about the political unrest in the country. The bridge line is key to the intent and vibe of the song “don't doubt on me, don't shout down on me, because the change will come.”

I wrote that line with two images in mind--the first concerned the resilience and determination of the Me-too movement and the resolve of women throughout the United States and the world to be heard and make change. I think of the women's march whenever I sing that line. But beyond that, the line was also intended to capture what happens when we yell at each other in anger:  It only makes the other side more determined to dig in, hold their ground, and adopt that “win at all cost" attitude.

And that leads me the first verse of the song: “I used to hold your hand in mine, and know you would be there through the darkness and the fire.”

I can't express how sad I am to witness how political polarization has eroded our common purpose and bond over the past decade due.  And that's really what the second verse is about “Healing the sorrow means to save each other's lives.” That is, the only way we're going to get through this period of deep divide and division is to love each other.  And we can't do that from a distance…Believe it.


Still so Far to Go was written to be a good old fashioned rock and roll tune.  It has a bit of an arena flare to it, a nice southern rock flavor, and a really lively Piano performance by Brad Kuhn.  It's what we call an “Album-oriented Rock Tune.” So, turn it up…

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